Women's Biomechanics & Programming Course
There’s Anatomy courses… And then there’s Women’s Biomechanics & Programming!
There’s Anatomy courses… And then there’s Women’s Biomechanics & Programming!
As a coach, after completing your Certificate III & IV in Fitness, your first endeavour should be to find a good quality Anatomy & Biomechanics course to invest in. Your Cert III & IV will give you general knowledge in how to train clients safely, however if you are to be the best coach you can possibly be, a deep understanding of skeletal structure, musculature, the nervous system and how it operates & functions is paramount.
There are some great anatomy courses out there - but none of them are talking about the female structure!
In this industry first course, Physiotherapist & AWPT Founder, Kayla, brings a University level understanding of movement & a Woman’s body.
- Anatomical variations between Men & Women and how this affects exercise selection, set-up & execution.
- Movement preparation protocols for the Shoulder, Hip & Spine specifically designed for Women
- Programming considerations for Women
- Squat, Bench Press & Deadlift biomechanical considerations for Women
- Anatomical & Biomechanical considerations for Women training for Hypertrophy
Some people will say that Men & Women should train the same…
Those people do not understand the nuances in anatomy, physiology & biomechanics that will maximise program efficiency, while minimising redundancy for better outcomes when training your female clients.
Wk1: Understanding the Female Form
Wk2: Movement Preparation protocols for Women
Wk3: Squat, Bench & Deadlift Biomechanics
Wk4:Â Technique Review
Wk5: The Hips & Glutes (every Woman’s favourite)
Wk6: The Quads, Hamstrings, Calves & Adductors
Wk7: The Delts, Lats & Pecs
Wk8: The Rhomboids & Traps
Wk9: The Biceps & Triceps
WK10: The Abs & Core
Wk 11: Programming for Women (Strength & Hypertrophy)
Wk 12:Â Q & A
You'll also receive:
A copy of the AWPT Women's manual
This 250+ page textbook was crafted by AWPT University for coaches, health pros, and curious minds eager to learn more about female anatomy. This resource gives you the tools you need to understand the unique anatomical and physiological variations between men and women, and how these differences can impact training, nutrition, and psychological approaches. This manual is your go-to tool for all things female fitness and training, and the perfect resource to reference throughout your coaching journey.

Why choose AWPT University?
Are you feeling like you’re doing all the “right” things with your female clients but just not getting the results you or your clients expect?
These are common challenges our students are experiencing when they come to AWPT.
PT's, Coaches and Health Professionals complete our courses and feel confident and well informed, ready to make a difference in the industry.
Women's Health Educator, Mentor & Business Coach
Founder @awpt_university
Innovator. Energiser. Expander.
Creating leading Coaches in Women’s Health & Fitness

Kayla is the founder and creator of AWPT, a company that provides the best education in the industry for coaches and personal trainers who work with female clients.
Kayla holds a Bachelor in Applied Science (Exercise & Sport Science) and Masters of Physiotherapy from the University of Sydney from which she graduated in 2015. She also obtained her Certificate III & IV in Fitness during her studies at University, as well as many other certificates in the areas of Women's Health, Nutrition, Strength Training & Programming, Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics. Kayla has been working in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years!
Kayla has grown up playing a multitude of Sports and has participated in many of them at a competitive level.
Her passion lies in making an impact in the fitness industry to better educate coaches and provide them with the resources that she feels are missing when it comes to Women's Health.